Today was a busy busy day. I had a huge girls day planned with the one and only Mary! We have our first cooking class today, shopping and selling stuff back to Half Price Books on the agenda. We have been planning this day for ummm...about a month. :)
Before meeting Mary I wanted to do an easy run, eat a filling healthy breakfast and read a couple of chapters. I got my butt to the gym about 7:50am and put in 3 miles in 30 minutes, ten minute miles was just perfect today.
Warm-up - 5 minutes at level 4.0
Mile 1 - Level 5.8 at a 1.5 incline
Mile 2 - Level 6.0 at a 1.5 incline
Mile 3 - Level 6.4 at a 1.5 incline
Cool down - 5 minutes at level 4.0
I got home and showered and felt like making a Green Monstah and an egg. This breakfast was super filling and very healthy. :)
Eggs with spinach and a Green Monstah w/ strawberries!
I love this version of the Green Monstah!
Green Monstah w/ Strawberries
2 handfuls of organic spinach
1 banana (not frozen)
4 fresh strawberries
1 cup of almond milk
6 ice cubes
This Green Monstah was super fresh and light. It was more of a juice than smoothie but that was just fine with me. I love fresh stawberries!!!
After breakfast I was able to read a couple of chapters of Shadow of the Dolls. I am really loving this sequel it is pure entertainment. I had a hard time pulling myself away from it but I had to meet Mary! :)
We headed into Seattle for our cooking class and we got there super fast. So we headed to a nearby coffee shop called Zoka. It was a really happening place!! I ordered a nonfat latte and Mary ordered a spinach & cheese crossiant. The latte was great and looked very professional.
After we enjoyed some girl talk it was time for our PIZZA Cooking Class. Last year, I bought a Groupon for Mary and I from Cooks World in Seattle. The Groupon offered classes for 50% off so we ended up paying $30 each. What a DEAL!!!! The cooking class we signed up for a 3 hour long Pizza cooking class with Pizza Guy Todd. When we walked into the cooking area it was sort of like stepping right back into the 70s. :) The class size was really small which was great. Mary and I put on our aprons that of course had martini's all over them...apparently the lady at the front desk knew us to well.
Pizza Gals Lindsay & Mary
Pizza Guy Todd started the class off with by telling us that we were going to be making pizza dough, pretzels and zeppoles! He even said we would be able to THROW the dough! :) Mary and I turned to each other and smiled...this was going to be awesome.
Meet Pizza Guy Todd!!
First we made our own dough...
Second we learned how to roll and throw the pizza dough! The goal was to make a perfect you can see below Mary and I really failed this portion of the class. I couldn't make a PERFECT circle so I opted for a heart shape crust. Mary had trouble with stretching out the dough so holes appeared. Pizza Guy Todd said to us "Kids are we done playing with the dough yet?" We heart Pizza Guy Todd and he liked us a little back!! The pizza thowing went about as good as shaping the crust. :)

Next we made our personal size pizza's! We had to roll out a new ball of dough and shape it into a small circle. Mary was able to do this no problem, I on the other hand was unable to do this without assistance...enter Pizza Guy Todd! :) Now it was time to top our pizza and put them on the pizza stone. I chose to top mine with pesto and Mary topped hers with regular pizza sauce. While we waited for our pizza's to cook Pizza Guy Todd showed us how to make calzones, breadsticks and garlic knots. Mary and I decided to sip on some wine...look at these classy cups.
Finally our pizza were ready!!!
The crust was to die for but the crust was really thick there really filling. Both of our couldn't finish our pizzas. The trick to the pizza dough is the pizza stone. :)
The perfect crust...just a little to thick!
Next we moved on to making pretzels and zeppoles! I didn't have room for the pretzels in my belly but I definitely had room for zeppoles. Zeppoles are fried pizza dough tossed in powdered sugar. They were absolutely AMAZING.
This was such a fun class and we learned alot! The most important thing we learned was that it's all about making the PERFECT dough. :) We left the class stuffed and headed out to walk off all the carbs we just ingested.
We headed to University Village to walk and shop. H&M was the big winner we both purchased multiple items. The Gap came in a close second...we both bought the same dress. We found the perfect summer dress in the kids section.
Here we are being AWESOME!
Next on our list was to head to Half Price Books to sell back all our old CD's, VHS's and books. I had two huge bags to sell back....and I got a whooping $11.50. He said he couldn't take most of my CD's. Apparently my taste in music isn't that wonderful. :) It felt great to get rid of all that on my list is to go through all my clothes and declutter my apartment even more.
Today was such an amazing day...actually the best girls day in a long time.
BTW I am still full from that pizza. All I am having for dinner is a small Green Monstah, half a grapefruit and tons of water.
Totally hit the spot!