Yesterday I ran like the wind with my friend Tim around Greenlake and....he killed me. We ran around 8 minute miles but honestly I was sucking wind (total distance around 3 miles)!! So today I decided against hitting the gym because I was freaking tired. I wanted to find a killer butt workout so I went on the prowl and found a couple workouts on
- Single Sky Bridge - 20 reps
- Tree Twist - 20 reps
- Step Up, Kick-Back - 15 reps
- Squat Dips - 15 reps
- Sky Squat - 15 reps
This workout got me sweating because of the high reps and my booty was burning so good. :) I didn't take breaks in between the exercises because I wanted to keep my heart rate up. If you start to lose perfect form on your squats I recommend stopping and moving to the next move.
Workout 2 -
Melt it Off: Calorie-Burning Circuit Workout
You do each of the exercises below for 30 seconds and rest 15 seconds in between. I did this circuit three times.
- Squat Walk - I did a push-up to make it more difficult
- Roll Pop-Up
- Attitude Touchdown
- Spider Jumps - My least favorite exercise!
- Half Turkish Get-Up
The rest of my day was consumed of writing the DREADED cover letters for all the positons I want to apply for. It takes me so long to write them because I want each of them to be perfect. The entire process of finding a job is excruciating. I absolutely hate interviewing because I get so darn nervous... all I want is to impress them and make them hire me. UGH....I have had two interviews and I am still jobless. I think I really need to find a way to be self-employed. :) After writing about five cover letters I decided I needed to take a break to make dinner and watch the Celtics. For dinner I decided to make No Hassle BBQ Chicken:
1 Chicken Breast
1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ Sauce
1/2 Red Onion
1 cup of broccoli
1/4 cup of prepared quinoa

I sauteed the red onion in a skillet while I boiled the chicken breast (10 minutes or so). I then took out the chicken breast and pulled it apart and mixed it with the sauteed onions and bbq sauce! That's it and now I had the perfect Pulled BBQ Chicken paired with premade quinoa and steamed broccoli. This No Hassle BBQ Chicken is the perfect single serving meal!
Now it is time to read and get my butt to bed because I am currently fighting a cold...a battle I am losing. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :)
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