Today I woke up to my sweet Lily alarm..."ello....mama....ello!" I am really going to miss waking up to her sweet voice at 5:30am. :) For breakfast I decided to make blueberry oatmeal...and eat an entire serving of it. I made it with almond milk instead of water and it was really delicious. This mornings hightlight was Lily giving me 10+ kisses and hugs...I really just don't think life can get much better than that.
It doesn't look very appetizing but it was pretty tasty. Almond milk is such a great substitute for milk. :) After having some breakfast and packing up my stuff it was time for Lily's gymnastics class. I freaking love this class because the kids are sooooo cute. And don't forget about Lily's ridiculous "nastics outfit!"
After Lily's class we headed home to play, eat lunch and get all my stuff ready for the airport. For lunch I decided to make an icy smoothie one last time with their Magic Bullet. Blueberry's were on the menu for today's smoothie (blueberries, protein powder, spinach, ice and almond milk).
As we headed to the airport I was really sad but somehow kept my emotions together and didn't cry uncontrollably. I was really proud of myself! :) It was sad saying goodbye but I know that I will see them again soon.
When I went to check my bag I realized that my beau was flying me home First Class! I was so excited because I didn't have to pay for my bag, I got to use the first class security line, I didn't have to pay for snacks, a blanket or movies! I totally don't belong in First Class and I love annoying businessmen because they are in general not very friendly on airplanes. :)
When I went to check my bag I realized that my beau was flying me home First Class! I was so excited because I didn't have to pay for my bag, I got to use the first class security line, I didn't have to pay for snacks, a blanket or movies! I totally don't belong in First Class and I love annoying businessmen because they are in general not very friendly on airplanes. :)
Before boarding my flight I decided to grab a quick bite to eat at the Harpoon Ale House located right by my gate. I decided to order a chicken salad and a blueberry soda. I had very low expectations for this meal but I was surprised to find that the salad was very fresh (full of grilled and fresh vegetables), chicken was tender and the blueberry soda was amazing. Definitely check out this spot if you want a beer and some good grub before getting on a flight.
As I got comfortable in my seat the flight attendent asked me if I wanted to be served dinner...and I was like "Hell Ya!" They were surving a mushroom pasta, mixed green salad and a slice of chocoate cake. The meal was pretty darn enjoyable. I also really love getting snacks on the plane multiple times for free (Sun Chips, Twix and a banana to be exact). Note: I wonder what the snobby businessmen thought of me snapping pictures of my food! :)
While in-flight I decided to start my new book "The Girls of Ames." Sarah had given me this book prior to leaving for Boston because she loved it...and let me tell you she always gives the best book recommendations. I read 50 pages of the book and I am totally hooked!! Thanks Sarah.
I really need to find a way to fly first class all the time.
I finally got home to Seattle and I have to admit the crisp Seattle air felt amazing! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight but I already miss my family back in Boston.
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