Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weight Lifting Is Actually Fun!

Today I woke up and headed to my brother's gym to be introduced to weight lifting. My brother always says that I need to do a bit of weight training and I always blow him off.

I was a little intimidated heading into the gym with him because he is a bit of a fitness freak. :) We started warming up and I was already sweating...I mean who does side planks as a warm-up.

Next I was introduced to dead lifting, the Kettle Bell, inverted push-ups, and rear foot elevated squats. This workout scared me to say the least and I wanted to say "I can't do this," numerous times but I knew my brother would never push me into an I just did what he said and he was right...I could do everything.

Introduction to Dead lifting: 60 lbs Kettle Bell 2x5
My brother kept telling me that Lily has perfect form and I should strive to look like her...she is my 2 year old niece. :) I have never used a Kettle Bell but I did like it and I think I will try and integrate it into my workout's more often.

My training inspiration!

Second exercise - Dead lifting with a barbell 3x5 reps (75 lbs)
I didn't think I could life this weight but I was so excited when I did. The most important part for me is feeling comfortable and sustaining good form. My brother had to repeat the steps to the lift everytime! He loved every minute I am sure. Note: Remember hamstrings, butt and core activations are key.

Third exercise - Elevated Push-ups
I did 1 set on the bench but my brother said they were to easy for me, so he put me on the floor using some sort of handle thingy...and I did 2x10 or until I lost perfect form ( I lost perfect form around 6 each set).

Fourth exercise - Rear elevated foot squats
I did 1x6 on each leg without any weight and then progressed to holding a 15 lbs Kettle Ball. Key to this exercise is perfect form (stay tall, tighten stomach and keep weight on front heel). I think this was my favorite exercise!

Fifth Exercise - TRX Body Rows
I did 2x6 and kind of liked it. Think doing a push-up upside down...sounds weird but is so much better than push-ups or pull-ups. :) 

After I finished the exercises above I hit the treadmill for about 15 minutes at level 4.0. This was an awesome workout and I really want to do it again before I head home. :)

Feeling super buff after my workout!

After my amazing workout we headed home to have some breakfast. On today's menu was a blueberry/banana protein shake with almond milk paired with a sandwich thin with peanut butter and bananas. :)

Very filling breakfast!

The rest of the day was full of playing with Lily and relaxing. I just love being a full-time Auntie!! Before we headed to Easter dinner I made myself a delicious leftover snack. I used a 1/2 cup of quinoa, slice of buffalo mozzarella, 5 grape tomatoes, 2 leaves of fresh basil and a drizzle of balsamic dressing. This is to die for...thanks  Kel!

Awesome idea for lunch!

Time to get ready to raid Kelly's closet for Easter dinner. This is the life!!!

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