Monday, June 6, 2011

Being Productive is soooo Satifying

I am still waking up at 5am on the dot...I really don't get it. So I got up and had a nice breakfast and scheduled my day. Being unemployed has allowed me to organize my apartment and declutter so today was dedicated to running errands.

Breakfast was oatmeal topped with a smashed banana and five chocolate chips. Mix it all together and you have an amazing breakfast with just enough sweetness.

After my breakfast I headed out for a 5 mile run. It felt so good to run outside and enjoy the morning sunshine. I felt like challenging myself so I ran hills today and it hurt so good. :) I recommend running hills to gauge how fit you are...turns out I'm not as fit as I want to be.

Today I headed to Half Price Books to drop off about 25 books and 10 dvds that I don't need and just take up space. I haven't had the best look making money...but today I got $38 back. I wanted to start dancing around like a foolish child but I held it in and pocketed the money. :)

Next stop was to cash a check at the bank because I housesitted this weekend. I think I was able to do this stop in less than 5 minutes. The bank is super easy these days...almost kinda scary.

I then had a return to make at Marshall's. I had to return a pair of sandels that I ended up not loving. There is another $20 back! This whole day is beginning to make me feel super productive.

Next I met Eleana and Adrian from my old job for a quick cup of coffee. It was so nice to chat with them and catch up. A ton of my friends are new mommies or expectant mommies. I love seeing how amazing my friends are as mommies!

Last stop on my list today was the grocery store...and I left my list at home. I hate when this happens because I usually end up forgetting the most important items. I ended up getting out of the grocery store with only healthy items for under $60. I felt pretty good about the trip. I didn't get home until 5pm so I had to decide what to make for dinner.

The weather was so amazing today I decided on whipping up a meatless burger paired with cottage cheese and watermelon. This dinner hit the spot and was pretty darn healthy. :)

What a productive day! I only hope the rest of the week turns out to be as productive. On tomorow's checklist...find a fulfilling job. :)

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